If ever you needed a reminder that Chris and Ally are still slogging through season one, Gabrielle throws herself at yet another shitty Greg in the second episode in a row featuring a deity chained up somewhere. Only this time, instead of resulting in everyone's untimely death, now NOBODY can die. Their levels of pain and suffering may vary, but one fact remains: that this episode should probably have been called Death in CHAIR. So, come. Sit. Enjoy a sumptuous feast of earthly delights.
We are joined by Elle Collins (@AnotherElle)!!! An expert in podcasting, they raise interesting points (queer people love Xena!) and ask tough questions (does Xena actually have super powers??). Elle, you remain the best.
Follow us on twitter: @XenaWarriorBiz This podcast is the spinoff/sister podcast of SAILOR BUSINESS. Art by @barelysushi. The Dan Scrolls by @dancassino. Podcast edited by @allystawk. Support us on patreon at www.patreon.com/sailorbusiness