If you regularly donate to your church or other charities, donor advised funds (DAFs) might be something you want to look into. These funds offer some big perks. First off, you get a potential tax deduction in the year you contribute, even if the money is given out to charities gradually. Secondly, you have the freedom to decide when to donate. This means if you're facing a high tax bill one year, you can contribute more to your DAF and then distribute it to your chosen causes over time. In today’s episode, we’ll explore how DAFs work and discuss a potential change that could affect them.
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Although this show does not provide specific tax, legal, or financial advice, you can engage Devin or John through their individual firms.
Contact Devin’s team at https://www.carrolladvisory.com/
Contact John’s team at https://www.rossandshoalmire.com/
In today's episode, we examine the recent IRS Chief Counsel Memorandum, which introduces significant changes to one of the cornerstone strategies in estate planning. We explore how these new guidelines impact assets placed in trusts like intentionally defective grantor trusts (IDGTs) and spousal lifetime access trusts (SLATs). These trusts have traditionally been used to 'freeze' asset values for estate tax purposes while benefiting from more favorable individual income tax rates. But there’s a core piece of this that is going to look different moving forward.
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Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. We’re adding new content every week and if you’re not following there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
Want to ask Devin or John your question? Just visit https://www.bigpictureretirement.com/ and look for the tab on the right side that says “Send A Voicemail.”
Although this show does not provide specific tax, legal, or financial advice, you can engage Devin or John through their individual firms.
Contact Devin’s team at https://www.carrolladvisory.com/
Contact John’s team at https://www.rossandshoalmire.com/