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Jun 30, 2023

Nicole Winter (@nicolemruns) had me back on her Instagram Live this week for another Q&A from her followers, who always have great questions. We talked about offseason training, tips on running form, how to balance running and strength work, and so much more. You can also watch the video on Nicole's account. Thank...

Jun 23, 2023

I have had several people ask me recently about how my running journey is progressing. Well, here it is. I give you an update on the last 18 months of training for me and what's next for the rest of 2023 as I build toward the Houston Marathon in 2024. The good news is that things are going well toward my goals, but it...

Jun 9, 2023

Did I dig deep enough? Can I go faster? How do I know when I've reached my limits?

These are all questions you may have asked yourself at one time or another. You might think that grit is a genetic trait, but it is very much learned and can be developed.

In this episode, I talk about 9 ways to build your own grit...

Jun 2, 2023

Who else is overwhelmed by the long list of things you need to do in order to achieve your goals? Sometimes, it feels like it's impossible to do it all from the running itself to strength training to foam rolling, hydration, stretching, taking supplements, and so much more. 

In this episode, I talk about this very...