Larry Vickers, from Vickers Tactical and Scott Reidy from Sig Academy. Larry and I served together for many years, this is a question and answer podcast of things I’ve been wanting to ask Larry. Scott gets in the mix as well, having been a friend of Larry’s for many years. Larry is extremely knowledgeable when it comes to firearms design and history. Enjoy. God Bless America!!
Jack Carr, Former SEAL and author of the amazing books, The Terminal List, True Believer, and soon to be released Savage Son. Jack is a real deal good dude. You are going to enjoy this one I know I did. God Bless America!!
Hunting Scimitar Oryx with Clay Abernathy, Wayne, and Steve from a couple other honchos invited me to tag along. Adam Olivas, SEAL and owner of as well as Kevin Holland, former SEAL and fellow Unit member, also a member of Team Kryptek. These guys are intense, we had a blast. So much trash talking and bringing home a bunch of the best meat on the planet. God Bless America!!
Marine and Black Rifle Coffee brother, Logan Stark. His story is amazing, makes me proud to call him friend. Actually he calls me Dad, really don’t remember his Mom, but none-the-less we had a great conversation. Listen and heed, he has amazing insight. Please check out his documentary, For the 25, God Bless the Marines, God Bless Logan Stark, and God Bless America!!
Hunting cow elk in Wyoming with America’s finest. My old Unit mate, Chili Palmer
from FLIR, Commander Rorke Denver, Navy SEAL. I guess I should just say SEAL
since the Navy is the only service with hoodlums like Rorke. Air Force POL expert
John Burns aka Giggles, the main man at Wyoming Arms, and my fellow criminal and
all around good cat, Ryan Cleckner, also a former Army sniper who hails from 1st
Ranger Battalion. What a room full of great men. God Bless America!!