Jun 26, 2017
In Episode 011, Dianne helps us explore how psychopaths gather information from their victims. When someone takes an interest in your life and in who you are, it’s usually a flattering experience. However, with psychopaths, they are displaying an...
Jun 20, 2017
Psychopath in Your Life
-Podcast Show Notes-
In Episode 010, Dianne talks about the initial interactions psychopaths have with their victims. Psychopaths are known to inflict pain and misery pm their on victims lives and then turn the situation around, by playing the victim themselves. Listen...
Jun 11, 2017
Psychopath in Your Life
-Podcast Show Notes-
In Episode 009, Dianne talks about the pain a psychopath’s victim often endures and how the after-effects can linger as PTSD, depression and/or anxiety. Psychopaths use gaslighting (a form of mental abuse) to trouble the minds of their victims and...
Jun 3, 2017
Psychopath in Your Life
-Podcast Show Notes-
In Episode 008, Dianne dives further into the complexities that explain psychopaths become who they are. One’s background and childhood could account for part of this, but it isn’t a clear-cut cause and effect relationship for ALL psychopaths. Listen...