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The Dismantling Doctrine Podcast

Are you ready to dismantle destructive doctrines?

The host of the Dismantling Doctrine Podcast, Dr Clint Heacock, warns about the danger of cult psychology and tactics, harmful religion, religious trauma syndrome, and the threat posed by the Christian Right and dominion theology.

Join me on this venture!

Mar 8, 2021

In this special bonus episode, I finally was able to get together with Hemant Mehta, "The Friendly Atheist," for a fascinating discussion about his journey.
Hemant became an atheist out of the religion of Jainism, which is fascinating in and of itself--his story is quite different than the sort of "typical" atheist one might encounter who rejects the Christian version of God.
As a result of that journey of exploration, Hemant went on to develop the "Friendly Atheist" platform--blogging and podcasting--in an attempt to engage people from all walks of faith, belief systems and life in a respectful and mutually expanding dialogue: common ground, despite massive differences.
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Contact Information
The Friendly Atheist Blog on Patheos
Follow Hemant on Twitter @hemantmehta
Follow Me on Twitter @MindShift2018