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The Dismantling Doctrine Podcast

Are you ready to dismantle destructive doctrines?

The host of the Dismantling Doctrine Podcast, Dr Clint Heacock, warns about the danger of cult psychology and tactics, harmful religion, religious trauma syndrome, and the threat posed by the Christian Right and dominion theology.

Join me on this venture!

Mar 22, 2019

As I've been connecting with more and more ex-cult members, I have been learning that even though each cult has very different ideology, the psychology of mind control, thought reform, manipulation, abuse and exploitation is virtually identical group to group.

Thus, whether you've come out of a dangerous cult group, or a fundamentalist Christian church--chances are, you'll have suffered a lot of religious trauma, identity suppression, and many other forms of abuse.

Helping you to recover from your experiences in such groups is the goal of people like this week's guest, former Scientologist Chris Shelton. Although we don't delve much into Scientology itself, we get into the practicalities of how groups control their followers--and how you can rebuild your sense of identity after leaving.