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The Dismantling Doctrine Podcast

Are you ready to dismantle destructive doctrines?

The host of the Dismantling Doctrine Podcast, Dr Clint Heacock, warns about the danger of cult psychology and tactics, harmful religion, religious trauma syndrome, and the threat posed by the Christian Right and dominion theology.

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Nov 5, 2021

This week's episode couldn't be more timely--discussing the draconian and hugely controversial Texas abortion law, Senate Bill 8 (SB8).

Now that it is finally being argued at the Supreme Court, we have to ask: will the Christian  dominionists who have played the long game in terms of appointing conservative and anti-abortion judges finally succeed in overturning Roe v Wade? This has been their strategy and they have been working at this for literally decades.

That Texas even attempted to pass this law in 2021 is merely testament to not only the 3 conservative judges appointed during the Trump era--with the assistance of the Christian Right--it is a landmark case that is highly unconstitutional and threatens the rights of not just women, but the LGBTQ community also.

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