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Capital Allocators – Inside the Institutional Investment Industry

Dec 30, 2022

This week, we’re counting down the top 5 episodes of 2022.

Without further ado, the number 1 show of 2022 is Sam Zell – Common Sense and Uncommon Profits. Sam is the chairman of Equity Group Investments, a private investment firm he founded more than 50 years ago. Sam has a storied track record of turning...

Dec 29, 2022

This week, we’re counting down the top 5 episodes of 2022.

Coming in at number 2 is Todd Boehly – The Next Berkshire Hathaway. Todd is the Co-founder, Chairman, and CEO of Eldridge, a multi-billion dollar permanent capital holding company with investments in eighty businesses, including high profile brands like the...

Dec 28, 2022

This week, we’re counting down the top 5 episodes of 2022.

Weighing in at number 3 is Paul Enright - Inside Long Short investing. Paul is a private investor managing his own capital under single-family office, Krainos Capital. Paul opened Krainos after a dozen years at Viking Global Investors, the...

Dec 27, 2022

This week, we’re counting down the top 5 episodes of 2022.

Coming in at number 4 is Rob Citrone - Emerging Markets, hedge funds, and staying in the game.

Rob is the Founder of Discovery Capital Management, a $2 billion global hedge fund investing across equities, fixed income, currencies, and rates with a focus on...

Dec 26, 2022

Annie Duke is a former professional poker player, decision making expert, best-selling author, and fortunately, a repeat guest on the show. Our first conversation about Annie’s background and best-seller Thinking in Bets is replayed on the feed. Her latest masterpiece releases tomorrow. It’s called Quit: The Power...