Dec 2, 2024
Chris Heller is the Co-Founder of Cordillera
Investment Partners, a $1.6 billion manager of non-correlated,
niche investments, or weird alternatives. Cordillera looks for
investments ahead of the crowd that offer compelling returns and
significant diversification. Chris came on the podcast two years
ago in our Manager Meeting series interviewed by FEG’s Greg
Dowling, and that conversation is replayed in the feed.
Our follow-up covers lessons learned over ten years of focusing on
off-the-run investments. We reflect on Cordillera’s strategy,
sourcing funnel, research, operating partners, deal structures, and
risk management. We then discuss the importance of people,
humility, and struggle in investment success. Along the way, Chris
colors his lessons with examples from specialty financing of
whiskey, boat marinas, wireless spectrum, land for data centers,
sports, and cheese.
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