Sep 26, 2024
Rahul Moodgal and I first met twenty years ago
in his early days in the hedge fund business. We had been friends
and professional acquaintances with mutual respect ever since, but
an inflection in both our personal and professional relationships
came after his appearance on the podcast five years ago. That
conversation, sharing his incredible story from a teacher to a
master fundraiser, is replayed in the feed.
Rahul is a partner at Parvus Asset Management, a $10 billion
European equity manager. He’s also my co-founder and partner of
Capital Allocators Summits and Capital Allocators University, and
is one of the most beloved and respected investor relations
professionals in the industry.
I asked Rahul to come back on the show to update his thoughts on
what it takes to succeed in a far more difficult capital-raising
environment, what he’s learned over the last five years, how he
shares his wisdom to make the industry better through our
partnership, and the world at large better through his extensive
charitable work.
Our newest creation – Capital Allocators University for IR/BD
professionals – was Rahul and my partner Hank’s shared creation.
Our first cohort will take place in New York on December 3-4. CAU
for allocators will take place the next day, on December 5th. You
can sign up for either at
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