May 25, 2018
To coincide with the most recent Star Wars spin off - Solo: A
Star Wars Story, Retro Ramble decided it was time to go back to
1981 to check out Harrison Ford's other most famous character -
Indiana Jones in Raiders of the Lost Ark!
Join Charlie and George as they
embark on a thrilling global adventure to liberate holy
antiquities. They discuss the legendary stunts, cool costumes,
nasty Nazis all the while trying to avoid saying the word "iconic"
too much.
As well as reviewing how the film stands up today, there’s also
plenty of production trivia and background chat as well the usual
casting Coulda Woulda Shoulda feature and as many bad impressions
as we can fit into an hour.
In addition to ITunes, Google Play and Libsyn…we are also available
on Spotify!!!