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Apr 29, 2021

Today, we're continuing to discuss dealing with the FSA (Farm Service Agency) and NRCS (Natural Resources Conservation Service) that we kicked off last week with Stephanie Fryer.  

Today, Dr. Bart Fischer walks us through some of the most common programs available through the FSA and NRCS Offices.

Contact Information...

Apr 15, 2021

Today, we're kicking off a two-part series about the local USDA and NRCS office on the podcast.  Stephanie Fryer will be here today to talk about tips and tricks for dealing with your local office.  Stephanie's background as a farmer, former FSA county executive director, and current attorney give her a great...

Apr 1, 2021

'Tis property tax season here in Texas with a number of deadlines coming up by the end of April.  Dr. Blake Bennett joins me to chat about the available property tax exemptions for property owners in the Lone Star State.

Contact Info for Blake Bennett


(Phone) 972-952-9273

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