Feb 14, 2019
He's back...
Our friend Jim Bradbury has returned to talk to us for a third time about the current status of the "Waters of the United States" ("WOTUS") rule. Jim walks us through the background of the Clean Water Act and how WOTUS fits into that framework, gives a history of how we got from the 2015 rule to today, and then walks us through the differences between the 2015 rule and the newly released 2018 proposed rule.
This is a great podcast for anyone interested in water law, environmental law, agricultural law, or landowner rights.
Contact Info for Jim Bradbury
(Email) jim@bradburycounsel.com
(Website) http://bradburycounsel.com/
(Twitter) https://twitter.com/jimbluewind
Links to Topics Mentioned on the Show
Jim's first WOTUS podcast episode
Jim's second WOTUS podcast episode
President Trump's Executive Order on WOTUS
Map showing current applicability of 2015 WOTUS Rule
EPA maps showing scope of 2015 WOTUS Rule