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Jan 5, 2018

Get ​3 ​S​imple I​nflue​nce​ T​echni​ques ​to make more sales in less time without having to feel like a sales person​ as Allie interviews Influence and Persuasion Expert, Michael Bernoff. ​​

What if you were able to inspire people to hire you or buy your company's products instead of you needing to sell to them? Wouldn't it feel great not to get tripped up in your sales conversations and know what to say, how to say it and feel confident throughout the entire process from hello to running their credit card?​

Michael Bernoff is the absolute best when it comes to helping clients show their value, ask for what their worth and move your best fit prospects to a yes. ​

Enjoy this riveting conversation with Allie and Michael so you can stop selling and start influencing instead.