Dec 8, 2020
IMPROVE Your Sales Process By 1000% & INCREASE HIGH TICKET BUSINESS (w/@MikeKoenigs)
Are you ready to go from closing $1,000 deals to $10,000 deals… $10,000 to $100,000… And beyond...
But don’t quite know how to “make the leap” to selling that kind of high-ticket product or service?
On this episode of The Scale Or Fail Show, my good friend @MikeKoenigs shared his proven, step-by-step process he and his clients use to close super high-level sales (up to $250,000 each)...
In less than an HOUR.
If you are ready to see your profits soar, trust me when I say you do not want to miss this episode. Mike unveiled his entire process... and shared sales secrets that people usually pay hundreds or even thousands of dollars to learn.
(Plus, you’ll get to see the strategies work in real time as he “coaches” me LIVE!)
If you’re a CEO or Founder and you're ready to build a scalable company that can thrive without you, join Allison for a FREE masterclass to learn the 5 Critical Phases You MUST Know in order to scale to 8-Figures and beyond. Head over to to secure your seat today.