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Dec 14, 2020

We’ve all heard those inspirational stories about CEOs who started out with nothing - the ones who are so resilient they seem like they can overcome anything. 

But if you’re anything like me, you want to know how they ACTUALLY did it… so you can apply those strategies yourself!

That’s why I loved this action-packed episode of The Scale or Fail Show with Dan Young of @Dansmillionairecode. Starting years ago with no money (and a lot of debt), Dan Young is now the founder and CEO of multiple multimillion-dollar companies in tech, real estate, and beyond that have been included in the INC 500 fastest growing companies in America. 

And in this interview, he shared the specific strategies you can use to create a resilient company that thrives, grows, and SCALES no matter what.

We covered everything from how to create unbreakable customer loyalty to hiring the perfect team. If you want to know how high-level CEOs really continue to uplevel during the “tough times”... you’ll want to listen.