Dec 28, 2016
For this month's Wildcard episode, Dan and Kevin cast ten of the most dearly departed of 2016 in their first Shakespearian roles at The Pearly Gate.
Dec 24, 2016
In what's becoming a holiday tradition here at No Holds Bard, we're happy to give you this year's Christmas gift: Dr. Seuss' HOW THE GRINCH STOLE CHRISTMAS A VISIT FROM ST. NICHOLAS converted to iambic pentameter. It was either this or a sweater, so we hope you like it. Performed by Dan Beaulieu and Kevin Condardo...
Dec 21, 2016
This week we’ll silently rejoice, do what we will with Twelfth Night, and remove Shakespeare from our podcast and replace him with poet Audre Lorde, as Penn students did this week when they removed a gigantic portrait of the Bard from the central staircase of their English building to “more fully represent the...
Dec 14, 2016
Are you on the way to see a production of TWELFTH NIGHT? This episode will get you up to speed on the play in a variety of ways to insure that you'll be the best little audience member you can be. @NoHoldsBardCast
Dec 7, 2016
This week we’ll get ready, relate to a King, and give notes on incoming White House chief strategist Steve Bannon’s abandoned screenplay adaptation of Titus Andronicus titled simply "Andronicus" that features Titus as the leader of an intergalactic army on a mission to save Planet Earth and who are forced to...