Jun 29, 2016
After populating the hockey team (episode 17) and baseball team (episode 42) at Shakespeare High, Dan and Kevin turn to the Drama Department to cast a production of Peter Stone and Sherman Edwards' 1776 with characters from Shakespeare's canon. This episode features what we believe to be the only "U-S-A!" chant to...
Jun 22, 2016
Dan and Kevin debrief on three major things each they learned after the Seven Stages Shakespeare Company one-day, twelve hour presentation of eight of Shakespeare's histories (Richard II, Henry IV 1 and 2, Henry V, Henry VI 1, 2, and 3, and Richard III). After this one we probably won't talk about the histories for a...
Jun 22, 2016
This week we'll instruct how to do ill, step outside of Shakespeare for a moment, and read each and every one of University of Toronto associate professor Hogler Syme's 500+ tweet take-down of what he describes as the "tremendously awful" new book THE ONE KING LEAR by Sir Brian Vickers. This week's episode features...
Jun 8, 2016
Are you on the way to see a production of LOVE'S LABOR'S LOST? This episode will get you up to speed on the play in a variety of ways to insure that you'll be the best little audience member you can be.
Jun 1, 2016
This week we'll do so-so work, love not at first sight, and respond to the recent all-nude Central Park production of THE TEMPEST by recording an all-nude episode of No Holds Bard.