Jul 27, 2016
We keep our monthly Wildcard episode but so-so this week as we take a trip down memory lane to revisit our favorite Duel answers from Episodes 11-26.
Jul 20, 2016
This week we'll dissemble our discontents, decide who deserves to rule the island, and extend an offer from the Seven Stages Shakespeare Company to pick up the homeless Hamlet production currently wandering aimlessly around NYC.
Jul 13, 2016
Are you on the way to see a production of TROILUS AND CRESSIDA? This episode will get you up to speed on the play in a variety of ways to insure that you'll be the best little audience member you can be.
Jul 6, 2016
This week we’ll go wise and slow, analyze dream analysis, and take a deeper look at the marketing strategy Shakespeare employed when applying for his coast-of-arms in 1596, as elaborated on in documents recently uncovered by Sylvia Morris at The Shakespeare Blog.