Feb 22, 2017
For this month's Wildcard, we are joined by five of our nearest and dearest to draft six institutional Shakespeare theater seasons from the canon - with each play being pulled from everyone else's board once it is selected. Hopefully that's interesting! Special thanks to the brave guests for this week's experiment:...
Feb 15, 2017
This week we'll pause, seek a greater meaning despite all being well, and break down the video of rapper Big Sean's performance in a middle school production of THE TEMPEST. noholdsbardpodcast@gmail.com patreon.com/NoHoldsBard @NoHoldsBardCast facebook.com/NoHoldsBardCast
Feb 8, 2017
Are you on the way to see a production of ANTONY AND CLEOPATRA? This episode will get you up to speed on the play in a variety of ways to insure that you'll be the best little audience member you can be. noholdsbardpodcast@gmail.com patreon.com/NoHoldsBard @NoHoldsBardCast facebook.com/NoHoldsBardCast
Feb 1, 2017
This week we'll hunt the lion, seek the dystopian linings in the Scottish Play, and explore the New Oxford Shakespeare Journal’s claim that Hamlet may actually have been written in 1603 as a way to impress James I rather than in 1601 where it had been previously dated noholdsbardpodcast@gmail.com...
Feb 1, 2017
For this month's Wildcard episode we throw ten duel questions at Mya Gosling, the artist and author of the Shakespeare webcomic Good Tickle Brain ("the world's foremost and very possibly only stick figure Shakespeare webcomic"). You can find Mya at GoodTickleBrain.com, on Patreon at patreon.com/goodticklebrain,...