Jan 31, 2018
Dan and Kevin return to everyone's favorite Shakespeare party game, WILL, ACTUALLY, to discuss the most obvious themes in ROMEO AND JULIET.
Jan 24, 2018
For this month's Wildcard, we are joined by four of our nearest and dearest to draft five institutional Shakespeare theater seasons from the canon - with each play being pulled from everyone else's board once it is selected. We tried this for the first time back in Episode 90 - so here we go for round two!
Jan 18, 2018
This week, we'll like them apples, explore if there is a second thing to talk about in Midsummer, and await our royalty check from the Silicon Valley Shakespeare Company who just last week put on a 48-hour play festival called ShakesSports, an event with the teaser: "The MacBeths playing hockey? Midsummer Fairies having...
Jan 10, 2018
This week we’ll see is’t real, get drummers drumming, and plot how we’re going to squeeze our way into the relationship between Second Sight Spirits and Froghammer Shakespeare, who just collaborated to release a hazelnut liqueur called “Queen Mab” that we don’t understand why we haven’t received a courtesy...
Jan 3, 2018
Are you on the way to see a production of CYMBELINE? This episode will get you up to speed on the play in a variety of ways to insure that you'll be the best little audience member you can be.