21st Century Wire's Podcast

In this episode of the Patrick Henningsen Show on TNT Radio which aired on September 25, 2023, Patrick talks with best-selling author and philosopher Jay Dyer, about the striking parallels between the staged January 6th provocation and the Reichstag Fire in 1933. Jay also discusses new developments in Cointelpro LARPING, and how both FBI and CIA have historically infiltrated all manner of groups and organisations in order to steer political and geopolitical affairs in Europe and beyond – shades of Operation GLADIO it seems, once again as relevant as ever. All this and more.

More from Jay:

 TUNE-IN LIVE to TNT RADIO for the Patrick Henningsen Show every MON-FRI at 12PM-2PM (NEW YORK) | 5PM-7PM (LONDON) | 2AM-4AM (BRISBANE):

Direct download: JAY_DYER_25923.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 4:51am CDT