
Sometimes in business, we see our competitor doing something really cool. So, we decide we probably ought to do that thing too. Or, we get some feedback that we really should be doing this, or that, because it’s an opportunity that might lead to great prosperity for our business. Or, we say we’ll do something. Go off the idea.

But then feel compelled to follow our original thought so as to stay consistent and not be flaky. All these scenarios can take us off our BIGGER course.

Here is how we know if it is not for us.

We get the ‘I don’t want to’ feeling.

When you think about doing a new thing

  • Hiring that new person
  • Creating that lead magnet
  • Doing that Facebook live
  • Starting that membership
  • Running that promotion

We find ourselves digging our heels in - metaphorically - and pushing away from the very thing that we say we want.

It can be exhausting.
Pushing uphill.
Going against our grain.
Depleting our life-force particles.

It can be easy to get into a way of thinking that is full of “SHOULDS”. What we SHOULD do or what we COULD do.

Yes, you could have a membership
Yes, you could have an online course.
Yes, you could have a Virtual assistant, a lead magnet, a marketing funnel, an instagram account, facebook ads running,

You could be doing daily Facebook lives, speaking on stages, writing a book.

You could, but you don’t HAVE to.

Listen to hear:

  • How the case of “I don’t want tos” might be a sign of burnout
  • What to do when you find yourself ‘should-ing’ all over yourself
  • My plans for getting to the other side of fatigue
  • Getting back on track when you find yourself feeling lost
  • How to do more of what you WANT and less of what you COULD

Here are some popular recent episodes:

HerBusiness Facebook Page: https:/facebook.com/HerBusiness/

HerBusiness Network for Women Business Owners: herbusinessnetwork.com

Direct download: HerBusiness_EP151.mp3
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