Build Your Tribe | Grow Your Business with Social Media


Build Your Tribe is brought to you by: Stop dieting and start living! 

Should couples work together? 
Could your business be better if you and your significant other maximized your strengths? 
Does business kill relationships? 
Can great friendships survive a partnership? 
What does it take to have a strong partnership? 

This episode is a recording of myself and my husband of 22 plus years, Bret, driving in a rental car. We were returning to the hotel after lunch in Boise, ID. I started recording as soon as the subject of couples working together came up. Just a few seconds in and I knew we both had some strong opinions and personal perspectives that I’d want to share with you. 

Now, we didn’t get into our past in this conversation, so let me tell you this. We have been working together for more than 18 years. The first 7 of which were pretty dang rocky. It hasn’t always been easy.  We struggled early on with how to communicate lovingly, with ego, with power and resentments. It has taken a combination of love, therapy and the belief that we are better together to be where we are today. 

Partnerships in life and in business, whether romantic or not need the following: 

Honest and patient communication 
Mutual Respect 
Honoring and respecting each other
Listening with an open mind 
Staying in your lane…
Supporting growth 
and more… 

In this episode we talk about couples who we see doing things the right way and what we think is the secret to their success. We share our thoughts on partnerships that were doomed from the start and how you can avoid those pitfalls. 

We’d love to hear your feedback and ideas for upcoming episodes. Reach us on any of the following social media platforms 


Hey…send me a tweet and let me know what you thought about this show!  Use the Hashtag #BuildYourTribe so I know you’re a homie! xoxo Chalene

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Partnership, Respect, Appreciation, Kindness, Honesty, Listening, Marriage, Friends, Couples Working Together, Business, Empathy, Support, Open Mind, Friends as Partners, Parents, Chalene Johnson, Bret Johnson, The Chalene Show



It’s Chalene! Thanks for listening! You can leave me a message about this episode by going to

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Ps… I hope you have a great day and I totally appreciate that you took the time to look a little further!