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Citations Needed

Aug 26, 2018

There must be an account for the thousands of dead Arabs and Asians McCain helped create. On this News Brief we attempt to do that.

Aug 8, 2018

Since there's been America, there have been American war crimes, and since there have been American war crimes, there's been a parallel cottage industry of hacks, shills and propagandists willing to not only apologize for, deny and downplay these crimes, but actually spin them as benevolent charity.

While Karl Rove...

Aug 1, 2018

Russia, as we all know, has sinister “oligarchs” whereas in the United States, we are told, we have “philanthropists,” “job creators,” and “titans of industry” who earn their wealth through hard work, moxie, and guile. Aside from a few cartoonishly evil billionaires – like the Walton family, Peter...