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Jul 15, 2022

The final video of our 3-part Bob Ross deep dive! Let's find out how Bob fits into history, philosophy, spirituality, culture, art, technology, and the relation of them all to our evolving society, from the Industrial to the Digital Revolution we're currently still trying to understand.

The Bob Ross Deep Dive...

Jul 15, 2022

The book "Happy Clouds, Happy Trees: The Bob Ross Phenomenon" opened my eyes to just how many things are connected in culture, society, history, psychology, art, and life. Let's find out where Bob fits into all this.


Bob Ross Deep Dive series:

Part 1: His Legacy

Part 2: His Biography

Jul 13, 2022

This is part 2b of my 3-part Bob Ross Deep Dive series:

Part 1: His Legacy

Part 2A and 2B: this audio (broken in two for the podcast audio)

Part 3A: The Philosophy of Bob Ross: Ancient History and Modern Leisure

Part 3B: The Philosophy of Bob Ross: Industrial to Digital Revolution

Let's dive...