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Sep 21, 2016

2016 Mindfulness Retreat for People of Color

Dear Friends,

We are happy to continue sharing the Dharma talks from The Path of True Love: Healing Ourselves, our recent mindfulness retreat for People of Color.

Rev. Zenju Earthlyn Manuel begins her talk by reflecting on her early encounter with Zen as a person of color....

Sep 17, 2016

2016 Mindfulness Retreat for People of Color

Dear Friends,

We are happy to continue sharing the Dharma talks from The Path of True Love: Healing Ourselves, our recent mindfulness retreat for People of Color.

Today, Rev. angel Kyodo williams offers a presentation and reading based on the newly published book, Radical...

Sep 11, 2016

2016 Mindfulness Retreat for People of Color

Dear Friends,

We are happy to continue sharing the Dharma talks from The Path of True Love: Healing Ourselves, our recent mindfulness retreat for People of Color.

Today’s Dharma talk, entitled “Engaging the Five Mindfulness Trainings" was offered by Br. Larry Ward on...