Sep 28, 2021
Is dating fatigue getting the
best of you?
In this episode, lean
in and listen to Connell Barrett's journey of self-discovery and
living a life that he loves that started after a divorce. (He
jokingly shares it was over so fast they could have fought for
custody of the wedding cake!) After spending years
Sep 21, 2021
Does Divorce Make You Happier?
A question that I get asked all the time is, are you happier after divorce or, better yet, does divorce increase your chances of happiness? My experience tells how separation in itself is definitely a tedious, painstaking process. Regardless of whose choice it was or the reasons behind it,...
Sep 14, 2021
Do you often find yourself coming back on Day 1? Are you tired of setting new goals and never taking off to achieve them? Do you get sick breaking the promises you make to yourself? We get you; this happens to so many of us. You will change your mind about food and your body in this episode as sought-after life, and...
Sep 7, 2021
When do you know that you finally need to CUT the KNOT?
Lean in and discover the signs when divorce needs to be the right option. If these signals are prevalent in your marriage, the earlier you face this and accept it, the sooner you start your healing process and the better chances you have for a more amicable...