Jul 29, 2020
“Seeking man with train -- and nice caboose!” Self-professed “firecracker,” Delta loves trains & shares some hysterical adventures & her “Loser List!” And Gloria realizes, “If I hadn’t gone online, I never would have met him. The biggest difference for me was being ready.” And JoJo shares her ‘secret weapons’ and how she can help you! All people deserve to be spoiled. There’s a lid for every pot.
Available on Apple Podcast, Spotify, and Google Podcast at www.StansfieldSignature.com. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook at Listed4Love.
Questions? Need more information? Contact
Joan Stansfield, Realtor®
Stansfield Signature LLC
Office: 703-505-3898
Email: Team@StansfieldSignature.com
Website: www.StansfieldSignature.com