Sep 26, 2022
Meet Eric Schmitz of Crescent Grove Advisors. Eric offers sage advice in this episode, targeted at the current financial climate and sound investment strategies.
Listen in as we discuss:
Sep 22, 2022
I'm joined by my brilliant colleague, David Weaver, who shares
the same passions for the great outdoors and our weekend activities, as well as a deep love for our consulting businesses. We’ve talked about raising goats and chickens, managing invasive species on our properties, and the fun of raising our kids to love...
Sep 15, 2022
My guest, Dr. Madan Kandula, is always pushing the boundaries in business and in medicine. He opened his first ENT clinic in 2004 after becoming disillusioned with the mainstream health care system. Now with more than a dozen locations in the Midwest, I was curious to learn how a medical doctor and surgeon became a...
Sep 8, 2022
If owning a busines was easy, everyone would have one. Owning and operating a franchise is just as challenging. Podcast host, Meg Schmitz shares her early experiences as a new franchise owner, mistakes made and learned lessons.