Apr 24, 2023
Beltane, Bright Fire, May Day, Beltaine, Beltyne, Walpurgis Night - It's the marriage of the Goddess and the God - a fertile topic. It's a time of celebrating fertility of the land and the people and sex will be a big recurring theme. Spring is in full swing, trees and flowers ore blooming and the sap is rising - if you will.
So hurray hurray for the 1st of May. Outdoor...romancing begins today. It's time for bonfires and maypoles, dancing and feasting and drinking. But while gallivanting around in the woods, take care - Witches and Faeries roam freely casting enchantments tonight. So grab your blankets and head off for the fields. The celebration of Beltane is upon us.
Sacred Source Podcast Season 2 Episode 4. Featuring the music Tanz in den Mai and Witch's Rune.