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Flex Uncensored - A Coworking Podcast

Nov 28, 2023

Shai Fogel is the General Manager for the US market for Mindspace, a global, luxury coworking brand.

We talk with Shai about:

  • Profitable expansion into new markets

  • How to integrate hospitality into the sales process

  • The differences in food and beverage preferences between the US and Europe

  • Building a connected,...

Nov 21, 2023

Gio and Jamie Unpack Flex Space Dynamics: WeWork's Bankruptcy, Market Tensions, and Emerging Trends.


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Nov 14, 2023

Lorena Caballero has a deep history in the flex industry. She started in hospitality with InterContinental Hotel Group and then worked for IOS Offices in Mexico for over 7 years. IOS has 40+ locations in Class A buildings around the country. She has embarked on a new adventure in co-warehousing and Class A...

Nov 7, 2023

Gable is a platform built to help companies support better remote work. Gio and I interview Liza Levin, the CEO and founder of Gable. She shares her story, entrepreneurial journey, and her "why" behind Gable. 

"The portal doesn’t just show which nearby workspaces in a company’s budget have available slots — it...