Mar 25, 2022
What happens to your faith when life doesn’t follow your plan? Kellie Penn has always been a planner. She had a vision for what her life would be like, and she was confident God would be on board. But, beginning in her childhood, life took a detour. What unfolded was a story that she would never have chosen–an...
Mar 18, 2022
How does a kid from southern California end up in the Mafia? Kenji Gallo soon realized that “the life” wasn’t the glitz, money and glamour he had imagined and there seemed to be no way out. When the FBI offered him a fresh start, he thought that would change his life. But it wasn’t until he encountered Jesus...
Mar 11, 2022
Stubborn, selfish, atheist, adulterer. All words that Darren Mulligan uses to describe who he was as a young adult. And not surprisingly, he was also miserable. So when his girlfriend announced she had met Jesus, and found hope and healing, Darren wasn’t happy for her, he was actually angry. It’s hard to...
Mar 4, 2022
When Leah Kadwell was a young newlywed, she and her husband heard a clear call from God to move to India. They had dreams of serving and making a real difference in the lives of the people they had grown to love. After 20 years in the country, Leah and her family were forced to leave. The circumstances could have...