Nov 29, 2019
On this episode of the Paranormal Portal Podcast, we welcome Chris Dawson and Jim Bradley of the Irish Bigfoot Research Organisation to the show! The guys and I had an amazing discussion about the "Bigfoot" in Ireland and their ongoing research efforts to learn more about the elusive being. On this show we learn about...
Nov 28, 2019
On this BONUS episode of the Paranormal Portal Podcast, we continue our discussion with Donald R. Schmitt back to the show! Donald joins us to further discuss the coverup at Roswell in 1947 as well as the continuing work being done to move us closer to official disclosure. From Roswell, to Wright...
Nov 27, 2019
On this episode of the Paranormal Portal Podcast, we welcome Donald R. Schmitt back to the show! Donald joins us to further discuss the coverup at Roswell in 1947 as well as the continuing work being done to move us closer to official disclosure. From Roswell, to Wright Patterson Air Force Base to Area 51 to the...
Nov 25, 2019
On this episode of the Paranormal Portal Podcast, we get into a few more intense encounters people have had with the spirit world. Whether a brand new house, or houses 100 or more years old, people report encountering strange presences that are creating havoc and fear in their wake. Just how do you create a normal life...
Nov 22, 2019
On this episode of the Paranormal Portal Podcast, explore a classic encounter story. This is the story of the abduction of Albert Ostman in British Columbia Canada by a Bigfoot. Albert was taking a break from his normal life and decided to check British Columbia for abandoned gold mines. He got to the location...