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Donelson First Podcast

Jun 26, 2023

What is the proper alignment of Church governance and how do each of these roles differ in aiding to the benefit of the Church?

Jun 19, 2023

No matter my worldly knowledge, personal successes, accomplishments, accolades, and notoriety, if I get my eternity wrong, nothing else matters. I need salvation because the dreadful reality of the presence of sin in my life requires there is no other way for me to avoid spiritual death.

Jun 12, 2023

Many Christians view holiness as a lofty position at which one almost never arrives. God views holiness as a state of being I can achieve as I daily resolve to do what is right. Holiness requests I forsake the life I want for the life God demands.

Jun 7, 2023

Everything I need to know about God’s expectations and parameters for divorce & remarriage are in God’s Word. On many topics, God states repeatedly what He feels and believes in Scripture. However, God does not always do this. While there are few verses on the topic of divorce in the Bible, those mentioned are...