Nov 5, 2013
"This is a Ghost Story"—Published in Apex Magazine issue 54, November 2013.
Read it here:
Keffy R. M. Kehrli is a science fiction and fantasy writer
currently living in Seattle. Although his degrees are in physics
and linguistics, he spends most of his time in a basement
molecular biology experiments for fun and profit. In 2008, he
attended Clarion UCSD where he learned that, unfortunately,
rattlesnakes don’t always rattle. His short fiction has appeared in
publications such as Apex Magazine, Lightspeed Magazine, and Escape
Pod, among others. He
is also an editor and slush reader for Shimmer magazine.
This Apex Magazine Podcast was performed by Editor-in-Chief Lynne
M. Thomas and produced by Erika Ensign. Music used with kind
permission of Oh, Alchemy!
Apex Magazine Podcast, copyright Apex Publications