Jul 4, 2017
“L’appel du Vide”—Published in Apex Magazine, Issue 98, July 2017.
Read it here: https://www.apex-magazine.com/lappel-du-vide/
Rich Larson was born in West Africa, has studied in Rhode Island and worked in Spain, and now writes from Ottawa, Canada. His short work has been featured on io9, translated into Chinese, Vietnamese, Polish, French and Italian, and appears in numerous Year’s Best anthologies along with most pro-paying SF markets. Find him at https://richwlarson.tumblr.com and support his writing via https://patreon.com/richlarson.
This Apex Magazine podcast was performed and produced by Mahvesh Murad. Music used with kind permission of BenSound.com.
Apex Magazine Podcast, Copyright Apex Publications.