Aug 31, 2023
Finance Director Kevin Rodolph sits done with Rob and talks about the Town's largest budget items and how that money is spent.
You can use the contact information below for more information about this show or any other.
For the Town Website -
To Call Town Hall - 928-368-8696
To Find...
Aug 25, 2023
You can use the contact information below for more...
Aug 17, 2023
Kevin Rodolph the Assistant Town Manager and Finance Director discusses how the Town gets revenue, primarily through taxes. But specifically what taxes the Town collects. Which DOES NOT include property tax.
You can use the contact information below for more information about this show or any other.
For the Town Website...
Aug 10, 2023
A follow-up to the previous interview, this time with the Director of the movie Travis Holt Hamilton.
Listen to Local resident Zack Bates and his mother, Rana talk about the process that inspired a movie.
"Nineteen-year-old Zach Bates told his mother at graduation that he wanted to run a...
Aug 3, 2023
Don't miss out on this year's Sheriff's Posse BBQ. Advanced tickets are now on sale all around the Town.
Call 928-521-0771 on the event day to pick up your food (instead of eating there.)
You can use the contact information below for more information about this show or any other.
For the Town Website -