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Aug 31, 2023

Today on Holistic Dentistry I’m joined by my guest, Joy Moeller, a myofunctional therapist, dental hygienist, author, and former lecturer at Indiana University. Joy is also a founding lecturer with the Academy of Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy, and a founding board member with the Academy of Applied Myofunctional...

Aug 24, 2023

Today on Holistic Dentistry we’re talking about how to find the ideal toothbrush for you? One size does not fit all, believe it or not — and there are a multitude of toothbrushes out there! 

In this episode, Dr. Sanda shares the history of the toothbrush, as well as its evolution into more...

Aug 17, 2023

Today on Holistic Dentistry I’m joined by my guest , Shilla Eshaghian, a Southern California Registered Dental Hygienist who discovered her true passion in biological dental cleaning, transforming her patients' lives by enhancing their confidence. 

Shilla received a Bachelors of Science Degree in 2005 from University...

Aug 10, 2023

Today on Holistic Dentistry I’m joined by two guests, Dr. Christina Massinople and Dr. Nashat Latib, two board-certified physicians who are also board-certified functional medicine physicians (there are less than 1000 in the world!). Dr. Christina and Dr. Nashat co-founded Reimagined Fertility, which addresses...

Aug 3, 2023

Today on Holistic Dentistry, we’re breaking down PRP, platelet-rich plasma, and PRF, platelet-rich fiber. This includes their history, differences, plus advantages and disadvantages — including why we prefer (and use) PRF instead of PRP. 

In this episode, Dr. Sanda shares how PRP and PRF came on to the market, their...