Feb 23, 2015
We talk sex street fights with Special Guest..
Dante Nero: "Black List" and Podcast The Beige Phillip Show
Featured Women of Color..
Pat Brown: Movie "White Water" , Comedy Writer, Gotham Comedy Live @patbrownshow
Sade Pilot: Young comic/my angry baby @gooFthink
Sharron Paul: Producer of Comedy Show "Cheap Date"...
Feb 9, 2015
Comedian Keith Robinson visits and bullies Marina on her panties. Catch him on Comedy Central's Back of the Bus Funny..
Subha Agarwal: Fusion Live TV, Comedian @subhah
Pat Brown: Movie "White Water", Comedy Writer, Gotham Comedy Live, @patbrownshow
Juanita Dworman- Mother, Works at the Village underground/Comedy...
Feb 3, 2015
This week's Podcast Features:
Erin Jackson - Aspire- "Exhale TV"
Pat Brown- Upcoming Movie "White Water"
Sade Pilot- Young Comic/My angry baby
Always Hosted by Marina Franklin - Netflix "Women Who Kill"
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Email: friendslikeuspodcast@gmail.com
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