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History Goes Bump: Ghost Tours For The Mind

Ghost tours for the theater of the mind! Join Diane as she explores the haunted history of locations, people and events. Each episode features a Moment in Oddity and This Month in History segment. Join us for chills and you might even learn something!

Jun 22, 2023

There really is no place quite as peaceful as a graveyard. The dead generally don't talk. Introverts don't have to pretend to read a book to remain undisturbed. Extraverts can take comfort in the fact that they are surrounded by a captive audience. Everyone can take solace in the idea that when they are gone, they will have a spot to keep their memory alive. Perhaps this is why so many of these cemeteries seem to be haunted. A spirit just wants to be near their memorial. Join us as we feature haunted cemeteries from England, Arkansas, Minnesota, Vermont, Florida, and Illinois! The Moment in Oddity features Got Milk? and This Month in History features the birth of Mildred J. Hill.

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Music used in this episode: 

Main Theme: Lurking in the Dark by Muse Music with Groove Studios

(Moment in Oddity) Vanishing by Kevin MacLeod

(This Month in History) In Your Arms by Kevin MacLeod

Outro Music: Happy Fun Punk by Muse Music with Groove Studios

The following music was used for this media project:

Music: Graveyard Shift by Kevin MacLeod
Free download:
License (CC BY 4.0):

Music: Halloween Atmosphäre 2 Graveyard by Frank Schroeter
Free download:
License (CC BY 4.0):

Picture: Peter Holmes / All Saints Church, Patcham / CC BY-SA 2.0