Oct 4, 2018
Parker Schaffel served in the US Navy, jumped out of planes, and ran a successful financial planning business. He’s worked as a military intelligence analyst at the Central Intelligence Agency and as a diplomat for the State Department. He teaches at-risk youth how to play the guitar, bass and drums, in addition to having his own solo music career. He’s dabbled in stand-up comedy, acting and photography. He’s indefatigable.
Randy gets exhausted (and jealous) reading Parker’s bio. Randy gushes over Parker’s new book: Get After It: Seven Inspirational Stories to Find Your Inner Strength When It Matters Most. Parker and Randy love journaling. Parker provides a tutorial on how to place a PHONE CALL. Apologizing isn’t hard. Dreams vs goals vs reality. You may not be as important as you think you are. #BabyParker.
Twitter: @PSchaffel @randallkjones @siriouslysusan