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Wholistic Hearts- A Journey from the Head to the Heart

Mar 31, 2022

An Encounter to Help You Fall Asleep


If you have ever had a hard time falling asleep, this encounter is one for you to experience of Holy Spirit’s love over you.  


Psalm 121:3-8 “He will not let your foot slip— he who watches over you will not slumber; indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber...

Mar 24, 2022

We are all busy and taking time is absolutely necessary. Jump in on this 5 minute encounter and breathe in the Holy Spirit's presence.  

Music by Stephen Keech- The Calm and Cavern

Are you enjoying these encounters? Are you ready to take your spiritual journey to the next level? 

Join myself and many other like-minded...

Mar 17, 2022

Today we have the honor to hear one of our special Wholistic Hearts Community members own encounters.  Krystal Boudreau has been a good friend, neighbor, and a part of the WHC membership since the beginning.  

Join us today on this invitation to encounter Jesus in the swimming pool. Every moment we have the opportunity...

Mar 10, 2022

Welcome to Wholistic Hearts- A Journey from the Head to the Heart Today's encounter is an invitation to allow Jesus to see the places in our hearts where we need love the most.  The places we think are the farthest from hope and feel the depth of grief are the places we need his love the most.  I pray this time blesses...

Mar 3, 2022

Grab your journals, pen, headphones, and a comfortable spot because today we are going on an adventure with Holy Spirit.  God is calling YOU on an adventure. Let's practice being still and encountering the playful heart of the Trinity.   Music by Caleb Etheridge, Cody Martin, and Be Still the Earth

Come and follow me on...