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Wholistic Hearts- A Journey from the Head to the Heart, Encounters with Jesus

Mar 30, 2023

Do you struggle to exercise without having to urinate ten times throughout your workout?

Do you avoid running or jumping because of leakage?

What about your sex life? Is it painful? Is it uncomfortable?

My friend, there is hope. You don't have to suffer. 

Ladies, it's time we had a heart to heart with my favorite...

Mar 23, 2023

Finding time to workout can be challenging, especially if you have a busy schedule. However, with a little bit of planning and organization, you can find ways to fit exercise into your daily routine. You will find out tips to fit in some ways to exercise even for the busiest schedule.

Remember, finding time to workout...

Mar 19, 2023

After the previous episode, I wanted to bring you a declaration you can speak over your body as you move forward through rebuilding trust with your body. God has given you a beautiful body to fulfill the call on your life. Play this declaration over your body over and over until you can fully receive this truth.  


Mar 16, 2023

Betrayal is a strong word.  And yet, our perception that our body's betray us can feel very real. We feel disconnected. Our hearts long to do something yet our body's seemingly throw a fit. This looks like sickness, autoimmune disease, anxiety responses in certain situations. Years of ignoring our bodies cues can lead...

Mar 13, 2023

Do you want to get moving this March, but don't know where to start? If you're feeling intimidated by the prospect of devising an individualized fitness routine, never fear! This episode is here to show you how Joshua and I have created our own challenge to fit with our goals. Maybe it will inspire you to come up with...