Jul 20, 2022
We all want to grow our businesses, but how to attract and close the right clients can mystify even the best business people. In this episode we discuss how to design your revenue pipeline for maximum profits with Shawn Peterson, CEO at Quantum Business Solutions. Shawn share’s insights into how to align your teams to...
Apr 13, 2022
Selling your company can be one of the most important business decisions an entrepreneur makes in their lifetime. In this episode, Jeremy and Gwenn discuss the big questions you need to ask yourself before a sale, & what we learned with the recent sale of one of our PM companies.
Learn more about Gwenn and Jeremy...
Feb 16, 2022
We learn more from our mistakes than our successes. Learning from our mistakes is growth. Learning what not to do is just as important as learning what to do in business. Gwenn and Jeremy break down how we can learn from our mistakes and embrace our 'bonehead moves' as opportunities for growth!
In this episode Gwenn...
Feb 2, 2022
Goal setting is easier said than done and when we do it wrong the culture of our team suffers and our businesses flounder. In this episode Jeremy and Gwenn review goal setting throughout their entrepreneurship journey and what worked and what didn’t. They give practical advice from the trenches with real world...
Jan 12, 2022
Leadership development is a vital part of your company's success and on this episode of the podcast Gwenn and Jeremy share how to develop and retain top talent at your organization. From the benefits of promotional programs and opportunities for your employees, to the dangers of not developing your 'A-Players'...