Jul 28, 2021
Pastor Rob Singleton joins Blake to talk about the social media age, how it’s changed us, and asking the question - is social media the problem, or is it how we use it? Listen in as they talk about their personal experiences with social media and how Rob believes we should be using it in our lives.
Rob is the author...
Jul 21, 2021
Enneagram expert Beth McCord joins Blake to talk about using the enneagram as a tool as a believer in Christ. Listen in as they discuss the impact the enneagram has had on both of their lives and marriages and what their answer is for people who seem to have an issue with Christians using the enneagram.
Beth is an...
Jul 14, 2021
Counselor and leadership expert Nicole Unice joins Blake to talk about how to navigate (necessary) conflict in a Christ-like, effective matter. Listen in as they chat about how to have difficult conversations and to use it to further our relationships instead of end them.
Nicole is a speaker and the author of the...
Jul 7, 2021
Professional storytelling Robyn Kown joins Blake to talk about the incredible things that happen when people tell their stories. Listen in as they chat about Robyn’s ministry, Storytellers Live, and the amazing things that have happened in living rooms around the country when women get together and share vulnerably...