Apr 26, 2023
Growing up in a religiously conservative home, Austin Noll had been conditioned to believe certain truths were absolute. But when he began to question these teachings, he discovered something unexpected: a greater understanding of faith, and a space to share his story with others. What he didn’t expect was the ripple...
Apr 19, 2023
Abby Roth joins Blake to talk about the idea of being classic: Becoming the best version of yourself in every possible way; constantly improving and constantly trying to accept reality for what it actually is. Listen in as they talk about rediscovering womanhood and femininity in today's day and age and what it...
Apr 12, 2023
Writer, spiritual director, and award-winning musician Strahan Coleman joins Blake to talk about how his journey of pain, depression, and anxiety moved his working relationship with God to a deep friendship. In his book, he invites readers into a richer life of prayer by giving up consumer Christianity for a...
Apr 10, 2023
Do you feel heavy, restless, and less safe? Do you know of people in your life who have started to experience panic attacks despite never having them before? After discussing this with friends and followers on Instagram, we need to consider that this could be related to the spiritual realm. The upcoming episode of the...
Apr 5, 2023
Social researcher and relationship expert Shaunti Feldhan joins Blake to talk about one of the most common marriage issues: Sex. In her book, she provides insight into what helps couples maintain a healthy relationship in both physical intimacy and the larger context of general marital intimacy overall. Listen in as...