Apr 13, 2023
To celebrate our landmark 50th episode, we are sharing again one of the first and best shows in our archive. In our 3rd episode, recorded on March 30, 2022, Mike sat down with the influential English author and social critic, Os Guinness, D.Phil, to discuss the unprecedented threats facing the West and the survival of ordered liberty. The fateful “civilizational moment” they described here more than a year ago is coming to full fruition right now—and it has never been more important for us to understand what's behind these extraordinary challenges and what we must do to overcome them and preserve freedom.
We want to thank everyone sincerely for the overwhelming encouragement and support that you've shown for our podcast and for contiunung to help us share it, and the TRUTH, with more and more people!
Produced by Strong Wave Media, LLC
©2023 Mike and Kelly Johnson