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Traffic Handler Podcast

Oct 27, 2022

Tom Antion has never had a job. He's an Internet Multimillionaire "guy next door" and founder of the only licensed, dedicated Internet marketing school in the country. He's the subject of a Hollywood Documentary "The American Entrepreneur".

Find Tom at

… where he gives away...

Oct 20, 2022

Jesse is the founder of Method and Metric. He has been optimizing websites since 2011, helping clients in a variety of industries take advantage of the internet. Building on a background in copywriting and marketing, Jesse has expanded his knowledge of technical SEO. He's also an experienced speaker and instructor.


Oct 13, 2022

In this episode my guest is Adiyah Bell, the creator of the very successful online mommy brand, Llama Momma (

Llama Momma makes beautiful and very practical mommy bags, pre-built for that run to the hospital to meet her new little one.

Adiyah and I discussed stories of her brand...

Oct 6, 2022


Andrea Hubbert was a disruptor at an early age — just ask my middle school teachers who sent her home with daily report cards because she wouldn’t stop talking in class.

Her methods may have changed but her spirit remains the same!

Today, Andrea is a copywriter and public relations strategist who helps creatives...